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A great school together

The P&F supports the school through fundraising, social events, student events, and community engagement. They meet a couple of times each term and run activities like sausage sizzles, raffles, stalls, and social events. Funds raised go towards a range of things, including major projects (such as the recently installed shade sails), events and activities for students and families, and end of year celebrations for students

Kyneton Primary School Parents and Friends Club supports the school community through fundraising, strengthening family connections with the school, and providing further learning and engagement opportunities for students.

The great work of our school Parents and Friends Club means:

  • Our vegetable gardens thrive

  • Our students have greater opportunities for imaginative play

  • Families have a stronger connection to our school

  • Students can have fresh fruit every Friday

  • Our school amenities are improved.

If you are interested in joining our P&F please complete the Expression of Interest Form Below

P&F Registration Form